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Ask Video volca 107 volca kick Explored TUTORiAL

Links update: 05/02/2020

Imagine a device dedicated to generating the most important sound in dance music… the kick drum! Well, that’s exactly what Korg’s volca kick is all about: producing earthshaking kick drum and kick bass sounds! In this course, electronic artist G.W. Childs takes you through every features of this powerful and surprisingly versatile volca device.

The course starts with a close look at volca kick’s interface. You learn all the basics you need to get started, from the initial setup to the different ways you can use the step buttons. Then, you learn how to synthesize your kick using the powerful MS-20 inspired resonant filter, and how to sculpt your sound using the Amp and Pulse sections.

Next, you discover how easy it is to record and save your own patterns, and how to build full songs with the very cool chain mode. You also learn how to get 303-ish basslines out of your volca with the slide function, how to create variations with Touch FX, Bend Reverse, Accents, how to get crazy with Motion Sequencing, and more… Finally, G.W. reveals how to sync your volca kick with other volcas, and how to integrate it in a computer setup using MIDI.

So join G.W. Childs in this volca explored course, and prepare to inject some fat kicks into your beats!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 659 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Explored, tutorial, Ask, Kick, 107, video, volca | Rating: 0.0/0
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