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Home » Tutorial » Ask Video The Foundation Of Synthesis 101 The Synthesis Of Synthesis TUTORiAL REPACK-SYNTHiC4TE
Ask Video The Foundation Of Synthesis 101 The Synthesis Of Synthesis TUTORiAL REPACK-SYNTHiC4TE
Team SYNTHiC4TE | 370.76 MB
Links update: 15/07/2020
Learn The Foundation of Synthesis from synth master Marc Doty and support the educational activities of the Bob Moog Foundation all at the same time...
In this first course in the 6-part series on the Foundation of Synthesis: The Synthesis of Synthesis, Bob Moog Foundation lead educator, Marc Doty, introduces you to the basic concepts of the physics of sound. Here you'll learn all about the two foundational ingredients of sound and synthesis, frequency and amplitude, and how they interact in myriads of ways to create every aspect of what makes sound... SOUND!!
From there, Marc takes you on a journey through the history of electronic music. You'll see how some of electronic music's earliest 20th century inventions, like Thaddeus Cahill's Teleharmonium, or the Ondes Martenot, though decades ahead of their time, were the cornerstones of the future of music! He ends up this course with an animated timeline of electronic music that puts everything about electronic music into historical perspective.
Throughout this series, Marc demonstrates the science of sound with informative animations and hands-on demonstrations of his collection of classic synths from many different designers! It’s great to see how these fantastic instruments deploy their unique sonic technologies.
Bob Moog was an early pioneer and inventor of voltage controlled analog synthesizers. He revolutionized the music industry and his ideas, inventions and musical instruments have dominated the sound of music for more than 30 years. Aside from being an innovator, Dr. Bob was an outspoken advocate of education. The Bob Moog Foundation, created by his daughter, Michelle Moog-Kousa, continues his legacy with Dr. Bob's SoundSchool, the preservation of his inventions and the development of the Moogseum – the only museum of its kind dedicated to the advancement of sonic education. We hope you will help support the BMF's efforts by watching these courses with the knowledge that a large portion of the proceeds go to support their awesome efforts!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1464 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: 101:, the, video, of, Ask, Foundation, Synthesis | Rating: 0.0/0
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