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Ask Video Reason 10 201 Europa Demystified TUTORiAL

SYNTHiC4TE | June 01 2018 | 232 MB

Europa is brand new in Propellerhead’s Reason 10, and it’s an absolute beast! Get ready to demystify this shapeshifting instrument in this revealing course by synthesis expert, Rishabh Rajan!

Offering wavetable synthesis, FM capabilities, physical modeling and more, Europa is the most advanced synthesizer available in Reason. In this course, sound designer Rishabh Rajan digs deep into this unique and very modern instrument and explains how to get the most of it.

Rishabh starts the course with a detailed explanation of Europa’s signal flow. He then moves to the heart of Europa: the three powerful and versatile sound engines. You learn about the wave section, the modifiers, and how the Spectral Filter does a lot more than filtering. You also discover the extensive modulation possibilities offered by the Harmonics section, and you learn why the Unison section is one of the best available in any soft synth.

Continuing with the course, you also discover the smooth and great sounding filter section, the 3 LFOs and 4 envelopes, the extensive modulation bus section, the semi-modular effects, and more. The course ends with a sound design workshop where you get to apply your new knowledge to create an evolving pad sound.

So join Rishabh Rajan in this course and discover the endless creative possibilities offered by this awesome new Reason instrument!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 731 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: 10, 201, Europa, Reason, video, Demystified, tutorial, Ask | Rating: 0.0/0
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