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Ask Video Neutron 4 101 Mixing with Neutron 4 TUTORiAL

Tutorial | 447 MB

iZotope's Neutron 4 is the ultimate audio mixing tool to help you mix better and faster. Push your mixes to the next level! Learn to use all of Neutron 4's features in this in-depth course, with audio expert Joe Albano now!

Neutron 4, with its intelligent analysis and automatic mixing functions, is the perfect mixing tool for both pros and beginners. And no one can teach Neutron better than our audio expert Joe Albano.

In this course, Joe takes you through every aspect of iZotope Neutron 4, including all the new features. You learn everything about its user interface and powerful mixing modules: EQ, compressors, Gate, Exciter, and Transient Shaper. You learn to add subtle distortion or completely destroy your sound (in a good way!) with the new Trash mode. You also discover how to add thump and snap to your sound using the new Compressor Punch Mode. But what makes Neutron stand out from the pack is its collection of Intelligent Analysis and mixing features, and Joe reveals all about them!

You learn how these intelligent analysis features work to provide either a finished mix or just a starting point for you. Once you know how to use the Masking Meter, the new Unmask module, the Visual Mixer, the Sculptor and Mix Assistant features, you will get a great sounding mix every time. Neutron's AI features will really help you focus on the subtle, yet powerful adjustments that can give your mix that special something...

So watch this in-depth course by audio expert Joe Albano now, and start mixing smarter and faster using Neutron 4.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 243 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: tutorial, Ask, video, Neutron, Mixing, 101, with | Rating: 0.0/0
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