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Home » Tutorial » Ask Video Native Instruments 212 Skanner XT TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
Ask Video Native Instruments 212 Skanner XT TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
Team SYNTHiC4TE | 26 Sept 2012 | 236.91 MB
Links update: 25/03/2017
Learn how to morph, mangle and modulate you samples in Native Instruments Skanner XT with G.W. Childs as he takes you deep inside this amazing new virtual synthesizer...
Imagine scanning through audio samples using audio waves as your modulator. That’s what Skanner XT does best! Low frequencies create scratching FX. High frequencies create unbelievably complicated waveforms. But that’s just the surface of this incredible virtual synth. With MPV trainer G.W. Childs as your guide, you'll dive deep beneath the faceplate to get a truly unique look this virtual instrument's approach to sonic rebirth.
It all begins with a tour of Skanner XT's user interface, with its color-coded knobs and sliders. Here you’ll quickly learn the signal flow relationships between the various controls located on the front panel. G.W. then explains the Morpher, Global LFO, and the Oscillators. From there he opens the "secret door" that reveals the powerful, undisclosed secret B Panel where all kinds of crazy stuff happens!
What makes this course so powerful is how G.W. takes you on a sound design journey where he shows you how to create Leads, Bass, Pads and al kinds of awesome effects patches explaining his design concepts all along he way!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1284 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: XT, video, tutorial, Skanner, 212:, Instruments, Ask, Native | Rating: 0.0/0
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