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Home » Tutorial » Ask Video LOGIC PRO X 101 Essential Beginners Guide
Ask Video LOGIC PRO X 101 Essential Beginners Guide

ilfsn | 3.5 Hours | 474MB

Apple’s Logic pro X is extremely powerful, but also incredibly deep. Learn it the right way in this beginner’s guide with Logic Certified Trainer Booker Edwards!

Released: May 11th, 2018
Learning Logic Pro X can be overwhelming… There’s so much to discover, it can be difficult to know where to start. But have no fear! Logic expert Booker Edwards is here to unveil all the mystery, and get you producing music quickly with Apple’s flagship Digital Audio Workstation!

Booker starts by explaining how to get started with Logic. You learn how to use the Project Chooser, how to enable the Advanced Tools, and you get an in-depth tour of the user interface where you explore the Inspector, Library, Preferences, Project Settings, etc. After discovering how to use Apple Loops, you learn the art of recording and editing audio and MIDI. All the essential tools and functions of the software are clearly explained, including Smart Tempo, Quick Swipe Comping, file management, project alternatives, key commands, and a lot more!

If you are new to Logic Pro X, or if you simply want to refresh your knowledge, this 3.5-hour course explains it all! Don't wait... Get up and running in Logic Pro X with Booker Edwards!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 654 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: pro, Logic, Essential, video, 101, Ask, Guide, beginners | Rating: 0.0/0
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