Ask Video Guitar Production 201 Guitar FX Explored TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE

Team SYNTHiC4TE | 696.78 MB
Links update: 10/10/2023
Guitar pedals and FX are like modular synths. They’re powerful audio processors that you can patch together in all kinds of creative ways. What do these FX really do and how do you best use them? This course reveals it all
Yxpert guitarist Gregg Fine is here to explain every guitar pedal & stomp-box conceivable! You learn all about boost, fuzz, compression, overdrive, noise gates, octave shifting, wah, envelopers, chorus, flangers, tremolo, delays, reverb and more!
These are complex devices. Knowing how they work and setting them up properly is key to getting the cutting edge sound you’re looking for. Greg not only explains each different pedal, but he also gives you some historical background on each one. He carefully explains how to use them to create different timbres and demonstrates them in action.
So if you’re looking to recreate that classic, vintage sound or create soaring sounds that are uniquely your own, this course is for you. Learn the art and the science of using guitar FX with one of the best guitar instructors: Gregg Fine
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