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Home » Tutorial » Ask Video Dance Music Sound Design 301 Bass Advanced TUTORiAL
Ask Video Dance Music Sound Design 301 Bass Advanced TUTORiAL

SYNTHiC4TE | March 24 2017 | 158 MB

Multiplier, AKA Adam Pollard, is back with an advanced look at designing bass sounds. This course takes you “deep” into the subtle and complex techniques that’ll help make your dance music bass parts rock the floor!

The basic bass sound design course in this series explained the concepts. You know, oscillators, filters envelopes, etc. This advanced course builds on that knowledge and delivers a wild electronic world of tools and techniques you can use to create some of the most supercharged and distinctive sounding bass parts anywhere.

It doesn’t matter what kind of synth you use or what style of electronic music you generate. It doesn’t even matter if you’re using software or hardware synths. The concepts and sonic explorations that this course covers are universal. So if you're looking to make your bass sounds powerful, unique or just plain crazy, watch this advanced course by dance music expert Adam Pollard. We promise that you’ll come away with a ton of bass design ideas and inspiration.

And be sure to watch all of the courses in this ever-expanding series we call Dance Music Sound Design!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 998 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Bass, video, Ask, Advanced, Design, Dance, tutorial, Music, Sound, 301 | Rating: 0.0/0
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