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Ask Video Bitwig Studio 2 203 Sampler Deconstructed TUTORiAL

Links update: 25/12/2020

Bitwig’s new revamped Sampler is an incredible sound design tool. Dive deep into its sound design capabilities in this course by artist and Bitwig expert Thavius Beck!

Digital sampling has gone a long way since its invention many decades ago, and now Bitwig’s sampler takes creative sampling to new levels. Far more than just a sample-playback device, this complex instrument lets you manipulate audio material beyond recognition. In this comprehensive course, Bitwig expert Thavius Beck teaches everything you need to know about this powerful sampling tool.

The course starts by exploring all the playback modes available. You learn about the traditional Repitch sample playback mode, how to use wavetable synthesis with Cycles mode, and how to get into granular synthesis with the Textures mode. Thavius shows you how to get very creative with your sound design with the freeze Playhead parameter. Continuing with the course, you also discover the different filter types, the AHDSR envelope, and a lot more... There’s also a full section of tutorials covering how Multisample works, where you learn about root notes, zones, voice stacking and all that fun stuff!

So join in and watch this course the amazing and always entertaining Thavius Beck to learn all about Bitwig’s sophisticated sampler instrument!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 730 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Deconstructed, Bitwig, Ask, sampler, Studio, video, tutorial, 203 | Rating: 0.0/0
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