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Ask Video Bitwig Studio 2-101 Absolute Beginners Guide TUTORiAL

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Bitwig Certified Professional, Thavius Beck, created this course to give newcomers, and even experienced users, an in-depth understanding of how Bitwig Studio 2 really works. Let a Bitwig Certified Pro show you the way!

his course by Bitwig Certified Pro, Thavius Beck, takes you through the essentials you need to create your own original compositions in Bitwig Studio 2. It starts with a detailed exploration of the Dashboard, GUI and touch screen capabilities. Viewers then learn how to configure their preferences for audio and MIDI and how to use MIDI instruments. The next collection of video tutorials show how to use and edit audio clips and how to use both Audio and Note Effects. Viewers also see the vast new array of Modulators, and how to apply them to Bitwig devices.

Continuing on with this course also familiarizes students on personalizing the toolbar and accessing and working with the browser. It dives into the Inspector panels and how the Clip Launcher and Arrangement views work together. The concluding section takes the viewer step-by-step through the rendering and exporting process.

Completing this course, under the guidance of Bitwig Certified Professional Thavius Beck, assures that you get the most out of Bitwig Studio 2, and gives you the knowledge you need to continue to building your musical compositions on a solid foundation.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1296 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Absolute, 2-101, Studio, video, Guide, Ask, Bitwig, beginners, tutorial | Rating: 1.0/1
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