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Ask Video Ableton Live 10 304 Wavetable Explored TUTORiAL

Team SYNTHiC4TE | 260.24 MB
Links update: 15/11/2021

Wavetable is the newest synth in the Ableton Live 10 instrument collection. Watch this course, by Ableton Certified Trainer Noah Pred to learn how this complex synth works!

Wavetable synthesis was first experimented with in the 1970s with the hardware instruments designed by PPG. Then came Waldorf, followed by several others including the array of wavetable software synths of to today. Ableton’s new Wavetable synth is created in this great tradition bringing the power of wavetable synthesis to Ableton Live 10.

In this 20-tutorial course by Ableton Certified Trainer Noah Pred, you learn all about Wavetable, wavetable synthesis and how Ableton’s reimagined version of this genre of synthesis works in Live. You get tutorials about the dual oscillators, their myriad wavetables and how to expertly shape their tone. Then you learn how to morph through the different wave shapes using the modulators in the Modulation Matrix. Next up is the sound design section where you experience the creation of pads, leads, basses and percussion all utilizing power within Wavetable.

So join up with Ableton Certified Trainer Noah Pred and see how to get the most out of Wavetable. And be sure to watch all of our Ableton Live courses in our ever-expanding Ableton course collection.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 836 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Wavetable, 10, 304, tutorial, video, Ableton, Explored, Ask, live | Rating: 0.0/0
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