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Arturia Analog Lab V v5.7.0 CE

WIN | 2.92 GB

Analog Lab gives you streamlined access to 6500+ of the hottest presets from our award-winning V Collection. Featuring sounds from all 21 faithfully modeled vintage keyboards, combining awe-inspiring sound with exceptional ease of use and awesome features. In addition to studying the feedback from the music community, our developers worked hand-in-hand with professional ergonomists to optimize each aspect of this music production & performance dream instrument.

Analog Lab V V 5.7.0

New features and improvements:
•Window can now be resized by dragging the bottom right corner
•Added audio protection on plugin output (Limiter at +12dB)
•AAX is now compatible with Mac M1
•NKS is now compatible with Mac M1 and VST3
•Graphic performance improvements
•Store can now be browsed by Music Genres

Bug fixes:
•Fixed crash in preset browser on Windows
•Fixed crash when dragging & dropping a MIDI Clip in Ableton Live
•Fixed potential install issues with .pkg files on macOS 13 Ventura
•Fixed automation from controller in FL Studio
•Fixed audio glitches when browsing Piano V3 presets in FL Studio
•Fixed mapping issues with the Modwheel on B-3 V presets
•Fixed recall issues on macros when using playlists
•Fixed display issue in the Synclavier polyphony settings menu
•Playlists created in prior versions are now working properly
•Properly displaying custom types in the explore view

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Category: WiN | Views: 358 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Ce, v5.7.0, Arturia, Analog, lab | Rating: 0.0/0
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