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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Aria Sounds Xiao Flute KONTAKT
Aria Sounds Xiao Flute KONTAKT

KONTAKT | 358.28 MB
Links update: 12/09/2020

The Xiao is a ancient traditional Chinese, end-blown bamboo flute, also known as the dòngxiao. We have sampled this instrument with true legato intervals all the way up to the octave, and, like the bansuri, have artificially filled in the notes which actually are not possible to play on the instrument physically.

With our instrument, you can play it in any key, as you would any other VST instrument on the keyboard, without worrying about which notes are possible etc.

There are multiple keyswitches, arranged so you can choose the first note of a phrase, and alter the experssion of notes throughout a phrase as you play, allowing for an extremely human like sound. The expression wheel also controls dynamics.

The range is two octaves, starting from Eb above middle C working up.

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 1361 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: flute, Kontakt, Aria, Xiao, sounds | Rating: 0.0/0
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