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Home » WiN » Antares Auto-Tune SoundSoap v6.0.0
Antares Auto-Tune SoundSoap v6.0.0

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Repair imperfect vocals, rescue unusable audio, and enhance tone and timbre across any project with the touch of a button.

Rescue: Save Your Work
Be the hero and bring unusable audio back to life. Auto-Tune SoundSoap salvages even the most damaged tracks and reanimates dead recordings.

Enhance: Subtle Track-Wide Changes
Fine-tune the aural profile of any project with the press of a button. Apply SoundSoap to your entire track for end-to-end improvement.

Repair: Easily Better Than Before
SoundSoap knows exactly where your tracks need the most help. Precision fixes remove unwanted noise and leave your vocals sounding pristine.
A witch says,

* You need the installation of R2R-WAIFU v1.7 or above.
* No CodeMeter installation is required.
* AxProtector is unpacked. It loads faster and uses less memory. No random crashes while unloading DLL in the latest OS (The bug of AX/IXProtector used in the final version of WIBU/Antares plugins, happens in any non R2R binaries).

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Category: WiN | Views: 91 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v6.0.0, SoundSoap, antares, Auto-Tune | Rating: 0.0/0
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