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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Amalgam Audio BEN CHI NAM Captures Essential.DI
Amalgam Audio BEN CHI NAM Captures Essential.DI

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BEN CHI NAM Essential
Neural Amp Modeler Guitar Amp Captures
(Benson Chimera)

This is one really special amp. It is deceivingly simply with just the 3 controls, but it can be dialed in for a lot of great tones from clean to properly overdriven and it takes pedals really well.

It's character is truly unique and very musical, but to give some approximate similarities - imagine a mix between a Plexi, Tweed and AC30. It can get really sparkly, even chimey, but also for full, round and warm tones easily.

The set includes 20 AMP+CAB Tone Models ranging from clean to lead gain levels and featuring various EQ settings per gain level. Please refer to the full list of Tone Models in the product pictures.

- 4x6V6
- 2x12AX7
- 5AR4 rectifier
- 30W output

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 170 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Chi, Captures, Essential.DI, nam, Ben, Audio, Amalgam | Rating: 0.0/0
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