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Home » Tutorial » Allan Morrow Tech Trance 001 Kick and Bass TUTORiAL
Allan Morrow Tech Trance 001 Kick and Bass TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 1019.0MB

This Allan Morrow - Tech Trance Kick & Bass 001 Video Tutorial [1 hr 35 mins] will show you exactly how to make a professional sounding driving & groovy Tech Trance kick and bass. Check out the sample to hear what is made in the video.

The video covers:
- The right type of Kick sample to use.
- How to reference other tracks to make sure your tracks sound professional.
- Choosing the right key for your Kick & Bass.
- Selecting the right sounds for your Bass.
- Applying EQ & FX to sounds.
- Picking the right notes.
- Getting a nice groove.
- Tightening up your sounds for a tight mix.
- Understanding what sounds right and wrong.
- Auditioning sounds
- Taking different routes to get the right sound & knowing when to delete a sound.
- Layering sounds.
- Techniques to make your bass cut through more.
- Knowing when to stop tweaking.

& much, much more!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 283 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: and, tutorial, Bass, Morrow, 001, Kick, allan, Tech, Trance | Rating: 0.0/0
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