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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » AKAiZER v2.2.1 WiN OSX
AKAiZER v2.2.1 WiN OSX
WiN OSX | 2.27 MB
Links update: 26/08/2019
Akaizer is a freeware application for Windows / Mac OS X / Linux which can time stretch and/or pitch shift any WAVE or AIFF sound file in the style of the 'cyclic' time stretch, which featured on old Akai sound samplers, like the S950 / S1000 / S2000 / S3000 series. This is ideal for DAW-based music producers who want that classic metallic-sounding effect, as used in many old school Hardcore / Jungle / Speed Garage tunes from the 1990s, without the need for an actual Akai sampler.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 1929 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: win, osx, AKAiZER, v2.2.1 | Rating: 0.0/0
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