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Home » WiN » AKAI MPC Software Expansion Sound Mob v1.0.2 WiN
AKAI MPC Software Expansion Sound Mob v1.0.2 WiN

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Links update: 14/12/2020

AKAI Pro & MVP Loops proudly present Sound Mob, an expansion pack for your MPC and iMPC Pro. Covering the style and sound of modern hip-hop and R&B, Sound Mob contains 40 world-class drum and melodic kits. These kits are filled to the brim with one shots, riffs, loops and professionally-recorded melodic samples featuring keys, guitar, bass, brass, strings, synths, stabs, impacts and sfx.

Pack Contents
40 Drum and Melodic Kits | 1 Demo Project | 8 Sequences
| 534 Melodic Loops | 97 Drum Hits | 631 Samples

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Category: WiN | Views: 865 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: win, Expansion, Mob, v1.0.2, AKAI, software, MPC, Sound | Rating: 0.0/0
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