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Home » WiN » AIR Music Technology AIR Vocal FX Collection v1.0.1
AIR Music Technology AIR Vocal FX Collection v1.0.1

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Your complete vocal processing suite

* Four powerful dedicated Vocal FX
* AIR Vocal Tuner - Seamless corrective and creative vocal tuning plugin
* AIR Vocal Harmonizer - Intelligent harmonisation for instantly gratifying musical results.
* AIR Vocal Distortion - Distortion FX for adding character, from subtle to extreme.
* AIR Vocal Doubler - Intuitive doubler effect for rich ensemble vocals
* Real-time and offline processing
* Dozens of production-ready presets

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Category: WiN | Views: 374 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Collection, FX, Technology, vocal, v1.0.1, Music, air | Rating: 0.0/0
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