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Home » WiN » AFMG EASERA SysTune Pro v1.3.7 CE
AFMG EASERA SysTune Pro v1.3.7 CE

Team V.R | 14.7 MB
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Live Sound Measurements In Real Time!
Based on AFMG's patented RTD algorithm SysTune is the only audio measurement software capable of measuring and processing full-length impulse responses in real time. Since the impulse response contains all data describing the system's and the room's acoustical behavior, a full-length impulse response is immanent for reliable measurements providing valid data.

Next to the sole quality of the measurements performed SysTune offers a large set of unique features to make a technician's life easy and speed up the work. All assets taken together, SysTune can surely be called the most progressive and professional audio measurement tool available.

- Patented RTD algorithm for real time measurement of full-length impulse responses
- Virtual EQ to simulate effects of tuning without the need for ongoing measurements or influencing the live signal
- Unique Delay Analysis module for fast and precise optimization of loudspeaker delay times
- Universal Web Interface for remote control of measurements from smartphones and tablets
- Integration with DSPs, controllers and other hardware like Lake Controllers and many others
- Unmatched noise immunity thanks to the patented SSA filter
- Numerous further functions for better windowing and higher bass resolution

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Category: WiN | Views: 1846 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: pro, v1.3.7, EASERA, AFMG, Ce, SysTune | Rating: 0.0/0
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