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Home » Sound Libraries » ADSR Segue Cthulhu Chords & Arps WAV MiDi FXP
ADSR Segue Cthulhu Chords & Arps WAV MiDi FXP

WAV MiDi FXP | Rar 50.5 Mb | Unrar 68.6 Mb

Making music is both our lifeline and our liquidator, it gets us up in the morning and stops us from sleeping at night knowing that when you’re in the studio, anything can happen…

Each one of us is chasing, chasing that killer beat, a crazy drop, that heady build, and getting stuck creating the perfect melody – ugh the frustration! Until suddenly it dawns on you that everything has lead you, without you even knowing it, to this… the perfect segue into your golden moment.

If you want to be unique, to push your musicality and create music that gets you noticed, Segue – Melodic Chords & Arps for Cthulhu is a powerful, indispensable tool you will keep coming back to in weeks and months to come.

Pack Contents:

100 Cthulhu Chord Presets
50 Cthulhu Arp Presets
30 Example MIDI Progressions
30 Example MIDI Cthulhu Preset Progressions
15 Bonus Chord Loops (Wav 24 bit / 44.1 kHz)

Total Files:


Software Requirements:

Presets are compatible with XFer Cthulhu version 1.195 or later

The power of this pack comes by having the chords in controlled randomisation of each chord set across the 3 octaves of each preset and it should be used by probing these octaves rather than playing them in order. The examples included in the pack demonstrate this clearly to help you get the most out of it.
This pack contains chord and arp presets with some example MIDI and WAV, other samples included in the demo are not included and used for demonstration purposes only.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 345 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Chords, wav, Cthulhu, Arps, midi, FXP, ADSR, Segue | Rating: 0.0/0
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