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Accusonus Beatformer v1.0.1 CE

TEAM V.R | 29 May 2018 | 13 MB

Accusonus has released Beatformer, an all-in-one beat sculpting plug-in.

Beatformer features four knobs (Boom, Punch, Squash and Air) that control more than a dozen Digital Signal Processing algorithms in the background. Contrary to conventional processors, the plug-in's design is focused on enabling users to effortlessly shape their beats, without compromising their character and musicality. Beatformer can be used on any beat track, either for transparent or extreme sound manipulation.


Use Beatformer to:

•Glue your drum mix together.
•Bring energy into over-processed loops.
•Improve your beat's dynamics.
•Add colour and personal character to your beats.
•Add substance to thin sounds.
•Instantly transform the sound of your beats.

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Category: WiN | Views: 696 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Ce, v1.0.1, Beatformer, Accusonus | Rating: 0.0/0
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