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Home » Tutorial » Academy.fm - The Ultimate Guide to Synthesis in Alchemy
Academy.fm - The Ultimate Guide to Synthesis in Alchemy

MP4 | 608 MB

The recent release of Logic Pro X came packed with tons of new stock features, effects, and instruments for all Logic Pro X users to dive into! One of the most powerful new additions that came with Logic Pro X is Alchemy – the ultimate sample-manipulation synthesizer widely acclaimed to be the most powerful instrument in Logic Pro X.

We are extremely excited to bring you the ultimate guide to Alchemy with Logic veteran, Sam McGuire. In the first half of the course, Sam will explore and explain every section in Alchemy. In the second half of the course, watch it all come together as Sam uses Alchemy to design lead, pluck, bass and pad patches – all from scratch!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 688 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Synthesis, in, to, Alchemy, Ultimate, Guide, Academy.FM, the | Rating: 0.0/0
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