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Home » Tutorial » Academy.fm - Production Fundamentals: Logic Pro X MIDI Effects
Academy.fm - Production Fundamentals: Logic Pro X MIDI Effects

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Logic Pro X is a powerful DAW that comes packed with useful plugins and features that can inspire creativity and improve your workflow. Included in Logic Pro’s arsenal of features are several MIDI effects that will help you write rhythms, melodies, and chord progressions more quickly.

Join Logic Pro veteran, Jake Shanahan, in this course as he outlines all the useful MIDI effects that Logic Pro X has to offer. Jake will go through seven different MIDI effects including the Arpeggiator, Chord Trigger, Modifier, Modulator, Note Repeater, Transposer, and Velocity Processor.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 782 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Logic, Academy.FM, Effects, Fundamentals:, pro, Production, midi | Rating: 0.0/0
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