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Home » Tutorial » Academy.fm - Production Fundamentals: Ableton Live Instruments
Academy.fm - Production Fundamentals: Ableton Live Instruments

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Ableton Live 10 comes with several useful stock instruments that are simple and effective. If you’re an Ableton user, you should definitely learn how to take advantage of these stock plugins and get the most out of your DAW.

In this course, Sem will walk you through every single stock instrument that comes with Ableton Live 10. This includes Analog, Collision, Electric, Impulse, Operator, Sampler, Simpler, Tension, and the newly released Wavetable. Sem will outline the features and parameters of every instrument, giving you a fundamental understanding of how they work.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 706 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Instruments, Academy.FM, Production, Ableton, live, Fundamentals: | Rating: 0.0/0
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