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Home » Tutorial » Academy.fm - Cinematic Drums in Native Instruments Kontakt
Academy.fm - Cinematic Drums in Native Instruments Kontakt

MP4 | 137 MB

Cinematic drums can be useful in many different genres of music. They are most commonly used for film scores and video games, but that shouldn’t stop you from incorporating them into your own tracks!

In this tutorial, Sean Squires will outline the fundamentals of writing Cinematic drums using Kontakt libraries. He will discuss the practicality of using such drums within your own tracks and how impactful they can be. He will also present tips and ideas that may inspire your future tracks as well.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 783 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Kontakt, Native, in, Cinematic, Drums, Academy.FM, Instruments | Rating: 0.0/0
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