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Home » Tutorial » Academy.fm - Adding Swing To Your Track
Academy.fm - Adding Swing To Your Track

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New producers and writers often underestimate the benefit of moving away from the piano roll’s fixed grid to add swing. In this tutorial, Jake Shanahan will show you exactly how to appropriately add swing to your track in Logic Pro. First, he will use the Logic Pro plugin, Sample Delay, to quickly add some adjustable levels of swing and width.

Then, he will achieve similar results by changing the piano roll’s time quantize settings. Although Shanahan is working in Logic Pro, these concepts apply to any DAW and are useful in any genre of music. These are extremely important tactics that will add groove to your tracks – making them much more danceable!

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 536 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: your, Academy.FM, Track, Swing, to, Adding | Rating: 0.0/0
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