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Home » WiN » Abyssmedia MCRS System v4.4.0.0 READ NFO
Abyssmedia MCRS System v4.4.0.0 READ NFO

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Abyssmedia Multi-Channel Sound Recording System designed for recording audio information from multiple sources simultaneously and automatically. The sound recording software can record up to 32 channels and compress records for archiving. It can be used for conference recordings, telephone line monitoring, radio station logging, logging of intermittent transmissions and Other specialized applications…

Main Features:

Available in two versions with ASIO and WDM support.
Record up to 32 audio channels simultaneously on a single PC.
Built-in recording scheduler
Voice activated recording (VOX)
Advanced audio compression to reduce file size.
Save recordings as standard WAV or MP3 files.
Password protection from unauthorized access.
Breaks recording into easily manageable files by user choise
Align recording time with time of day
Automatic Gain Control (AGC)
Optimized for newest Intel and AMD CPUs.

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Category: WiN | Views: 253 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: System, v4.4.0.0, Abyssmedia, MCRS, NFO, READ | Rating: 0.0/0
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