4Front TruePianos v1.9.8 [WiN-OSX] Regged
Team R2R | WiN 571.39 MB | OSX 381.12 MB
Links update: 26/10/2022
When the instrument blends transparently with musician's hands, performing becomes immersive.
TruePianos virtual instrument was designed with exactly this in mind giving inspiration an instant GO as soon as you touch the keyboard.
Following tradition, we optimized this instrument for real-time performance. The CPU usage does not cross the borders even for host applications runnign at 96khz, and for advanced polyphony we spread resource load across several CPU cores.
TruePianos includes multiple modules and offers intuitive control to match your playing style.
The full version of TruePianos currently contains five piano modules with a multitude of presets. It comes with one year of free upgrades and e-mail support.
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