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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Crypton KaitoV3 Appends for Vocaloid3FE/AE-AlexVox

Crypton KaitoV3 Appends for Vocaloid3FE/AE-AlexVox | 3.75 GB

KAITO is a Japanese male Vocaloid created by Crypton Future Media. He utilizes the older Vocaloid engine developed by YAMAHA. He claims the spot of the last vocal to be released for the Vocaloid engine and is the first Japanese male Vocaloid to have appeared from Crypton Future Media. The voice was supplied by a Japanese male singer Fūga Naoto (風雅 なおと). The illustration was done by Takashi Kawasaki.

In early Jan 2013, adjustments to KAITO's voicebanks were completed and KAITO was set to be released in mid-Feb 2013 as scheduled. DTM Magazine is due to run a series of tutorials on how to use KAITO V3 for beginners. The idea of the bundles being offered with KAITO V3 software is to give users a means to create everything they need in basic sound making. The reason why KAITO has 4 vocal libraries is to minimize the amount of troubles they would encounter with the pack. A special discount will be offered to VOCALOID KAITO users, price is being based on the difference between VOCALOID KAITO and the CV series price.

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 1359 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: KaitoV3, Crypton, for, Vocaloid3FE/AE-AlexVox, Appends | Rating: 0.0/0
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