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Ask Video - FXpansion Tremor Explored [TUTORiAL] | 291.21 MB

FXpansion's amazing Tremor is one of the most earth-shaking virtual drum machines in your arsenal! Let world-class programmer Hollin Jones give you the lowdown on this one-of-a-kind instrument... 

FXpansion shakes up the world of drum machines with this incredibly powerful variation on the beatbox theme. That’s because Tremor is a unique virtual instrument capable of creating beats with incredible new features and some never-seen-before flexibility. Hollin Jones takes you through Tremor and shows you all you need to know to create your own amazing beats.

What make Tremor so cool is that it allows you to use 8 distinct sequencers, each with its own synthesis engine!Hollin guides you, step by step, through the creation of sounds and patterns in Tremor. He'll show all the ins and out of Tremor's interface and the unique way it approaches drum sequencing, as well as its super powerful modulation system, TransMod. Once you have a killer beat, you can go ever deeper: Tremor gives you envelopes, LFOs and FX section to further enhance and morph your sounds!





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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1278 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Tremor, video, tutorial, FXPansion, Explored, Ask | Rating: 0.0/0
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