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Ask Video Cubase 7 103 Engineers Producers Toolbox TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE | 525.29 MB

As a producer and engineer, you need to learn how to harness Cubase 7's array of production tools. In this course, you learn how to track everything from drums to vocals as Matt brings you into the studio and records an original track from start to finish.

There isn't a better way to learn Cubase than to see it in action! That's what this revealing course by Matt Hepworth is all about. Whether you're a producer, engineer or a songwriter, this course explains how to turn your creative ideas into sonic reality. You get to see the musicians recording, the mic setups, the Cubase tracks and processors... absolutely everything!

When recording, every step of the way requires you to have different sets of audio chops. Capturing killer drums, for instance, is a completely different process than recording vocals or bass. This course takes you way beyond theory. That's because Matt breaks everything down into the essential parts of the production cycle – and each section gives you all the tools you need to capture the ultimate performances to make your tracks the best that they can possibly be!

So if you want to know the recording and production techniques you need to power up your tracks, this course holds nothing back. Make yourself comfy, sit back and get ready to learn how to be a producer and engineer with Cubase!




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Category: Tutorial | Views: 965 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Cubase, video, Ask, Toolbox, TUTORIAL-SYNTHiC4TE, 103, Producers, engineers | Rating: 0.0/0
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