AOM Factory Wave Shredder v1.4.2-R2R | 7.29 MB
A.O.M. Wave Shredder was bone to inject madness to your track. Wave Shredder is a collection of destructive processors: Rate Reducer, Zero-time Gate, Waveform Cut&Fold, Chopper and Bit Crusher.
A.O.M. Wave Shredder is a collection of destructive processors: Rate Reducer, Zero-time Gate and Chopper, Waveform Cut&Fold and Bit Crusher.
Rate Reducer is based on zero-order sample hold. Zero-time Gate sets the input signal to zero immediately when the signal level falls below the threshold. Zero-time Chopper plays the inverse of Gate. The Cut&Fold section truncates under zero signal to zero, and in fold mode, the section puts inverse truncated signal instead of truncation. Bit Crusher reduces signal's resolution.
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