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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Altiverb7 IR Collection - Opera Of Ghent [For Altiverb 7!]
Altiverb7 IR Collection - Opera Of Ghent For Altiverb 7!
Altiverb7 IR Collection | 8.39 MB
Links update: 26/04/2019
Flamish Opera: Ghent, Belgium
Engineers: Arjen van der Schoot, Aram Verwoest
This Opera theatre opened in 1840, and was restored in 2007.
The hall seats 1008. Together with the Antwerp Opera this is a theatre of the Flemish Opera. Unlike Antwerp, this theatre is very dry. It shares a rare quality with some other large theaters: you hear a big room with a short reverb tail.​​​​​​​



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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 1218 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Altiverb7 IR, Opera Of Ghent, Altiverb7 | Rating: 0.0/0
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