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Home » WiN » Adrosoft MP3 Cutter v2.1.1 Patched Incl.KeyGen-CHAOS

Team CHAOS | Feb 13 2014 | 1.4 MB

AD MP3 Cutter is a simple and handy tool for splitting MP3 files. It has advanced features for visual splitting. A file is represented by its waveform image with zoom in and out effects. You can precisely set cut line on desired file point, play and easily change of a cut line position by one mouse click. 

The program can automatically split a file by equal parts, equal time or by silence. The program has very intuitive and user-friendly Interface. Output files have the original sound quality of input file. You can play all file or only a selected part, change quickly playback position, volume level and playback rate. The built-in timer and the info window will help you to work with the program. AD MP3 Cutter allows you to create or edit ID3 TAGs for each selected part of MP3 file with a built-in editor. You can set title, artist name, album and other attributes for an output file.


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Category: WiN | Views: 885 | Added by: Hellcat | Tags: CUTTER, mp3, Adrosoft, Patched, v2.1.1, Incl.Keygen-CHAOS | Rating: 0.0/0
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